Traditional Western Massage Therapy, Thai Acupressure & Yoga Therapy-Reiki-Energy Psychology-Ayurveda
Welcome to Lotus Bloom Massage and Bodywork located in Mound, MN. I’m proud to offer the best health & wellness practices of the East and West. I have been a massage therapist for 24 years and am trained in many modalities that I combine to bring my clients back to a more relaxed and functional state of being-mind, body and spirit. I also have my B.A. in Contemplative and Buddhist Psychology as well as my M.A. in Psychology and I am now beginning to offer Coaching using E.F.T. "Tapping" techniques and Ayurvedic Wellness Consultations.
I specialize in combining energy work using Thai Acupressure & Yoga Therapy, Reiki, Energy Psychology techniques with more "western" modalities such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, Trigger Point, Positional Release, & Active Stretching Techniques, to name a few. I’m here in the Lake Minnetonka area to get you back on your feet and feeling your best! Visit my website to schedule your appointment today!