Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface. A power deep tissue massage t
Myofascial Massage, used to treat restrictions in tissue and muscle
Myofascial Release uses specific techniques to stretch and repair the connective tissue between your muscles (fascia). It helps your body heal properly from injuries and can restore range of motion.
Myofascial Massage, used to treat restrictions in tissue and muscle
HOT STONE Massage stones are heated and then lubricated with oil or essential oils, the therapeutic effects of heat are used to relax muscles more deeply. Used as an extension of the therapist’s hands, the use of massage stones induces deep
If you suffer from Posture problems, we can help restore your body's muscular and skeletal issues
Alexander Technique is focused on improving your posture and relieving related muscular and skeletal issues. It helps you feel lengthier, freer in movement, and healthier.
If you suffer from Posture problems, we can help restore your body's muscular and skeletal issues
Cranial Sacral therapy uses gentle touch manipulation of your head, neck, and the bottom of your spine. Your neck, back, and hips will feel looser and freer.
Very Relaxing! Esalen massage uses an integration of multiple modalities and focuses on long slow strokes to help you achieve relaxation and detoxification.
Trigger point therapy focuses on the release of tension around specific nerve centers found throughout your body. It is great for relieving cramped and overused muscles.
Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain. The method engages the myofascial tissue and loads it with constant force until release occurs. Practitioners can use knuckles, elbows, or
Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain.
The method engages the myofascial tissue and loads it with constant force until release occurs.To achieve this, practitioners can use knuc
Gua Sha Massage
Gua sha meaning "scraping sha-bruises", is a safe, traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped to produce light bruising. Practitioners believe gua sha releases unhealthy elements from injured areas and
Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of your body. ... This causes inflammat
Prenatal massage is therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of pregnancy. It enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation and general body t
Lymphatic Drainage is very gentle, light massage that helps to direct lymphatic fluid towards the lymph nodes. The lymphatic system is part of your immune system and cleans toxins, proteins, cancer cells, viruses, and dead cells about 20 time
Foot Massage working with points of reflex and the structure of your feet to free them by unlocking tight ankles and toes. Benefits: pain relief and improved walking ability.
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage is performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open and expand the body’s soft tissues. Benefits: increased
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open and expand the body’s soft tissues. Benefits: increased blo
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage is performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open, and expand the body’s soft tissues. We also wrap the bo
Reiki uses a technique commonly called palm or hands on healing.
Through the use of this technique, practitioners transfer universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-
Distance Reiki involves tuning energy to the recipient. This energy flows through natural currents, unaffected by distance.
Practitioners may use a photo or representative object to link to the recipient's energy field, A brief phone call