Sports Massage is a term that’s used to describe a range of different treatments aimed at preparing an athlete for an event, helping the recover from an event, and maintaining performance levels during a season. Sports massage techniques work
Myoskeletal alignment technique is a type of bodywork which blends the principles of osteopathy and structural integration to relieve chronic pain. This technique is often integrated into regular massage and bodywork sessions, and it can als
Myofascial Release uses specific techniques to stretch and repair the connective issue between your muscles (fascia). It helps your body heal properly from injuries and can restore range of motion.
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles.