Access Bars® are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that stop you from creating a life you love. It is rooted in the principle that the
This popular pairing is a perfect way to become more mentally and energetically 'ready' for your massage. Spend the first 30-60 minutes receiving a AccessBars® session and then as the music gently awakens, we'll seamlessly move into your mass
Energy work is rooted in the principle that body is bioenergetic and seeks to maintain balance. Fascia Release bodywork is hands-on energy work. Working specifically with the chakra system, Christy utilizes her specialized training to assist
This is an intuitively customized and nurturing, dance-like massage session that's specifically for you, allowing one technique to flow into the next. Your session may include guided visualization, Swedish relaxation, deep tissue/sports & tab