I believe that if everyone received massage, the world would be a much happier and healthier place!
Many of the children who I see for Pediatric Massage, require bodywork due to a diagnosis such as lip-tie (tied maxillary frenum), tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) and/or cheek ties (buccal frenum restriction), which affects approximately 1 in 10 babies. These oral tethers can cause significant tension throughout the mouth and body. Prior to any release procedures, it is essential to address this tension through bodywork, targeting not only the muscles of the mouth and face but also those in the neck, shoulders, spine, and hips.*
Even after release procedures, the chronically contracted muscles of the body and mouth may not automatically relax. Therefore, follow-up bodywork is recommended as well to promote relaxation of the muscles and healing of the mouth. This is why I collaborate with pediatric dentists, lactation consultants, and myofunctional therapists, to develop comprehensive care plans to ensure the best outcomes for each child.**
*These ties can have far-reaching effects, impacting facial structure development, feeding skills, posture, speech and language development, breathing, sleep patterns (including apneas), and can potentially lead to issues such as reflux, sinus problems, migraines, joint pain, and dental issues. Addressing these concerns through an integrated approach is crucial for the well-being of the child.
**If you suspect an issue with your child, please let me know so I may offer you a referral to a diagnosing professional.
If you're interested in scheduling an appointment or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out via text at 910-684-3223. I'm here to assist you!