Changing the world, one body at a time.... let's start with yours!
Lisa M Franklin, LMT, BCTMB, CCH
Massage is an alternative therapy that can help with easing stress and it's related physical issues as well as soothing the mind and spirit. Massage has so many choices that the options are boundless.
I worked in the insurance industry for 30 years. With the economy in turmoil my job was downsized. I loved being in customer service, helping people with their unique situations, concerns and issues. Massage let's me still do the same thing, but now it's truly hands on!
In the past several years I have been focusing on improving my skills by attending several John F Barnes seminars for Myofascial Release (MFR). They have been extremely informative and have enhanced my massage skills greatly.
I have become a passionate advocate for this type of bodywork as it is a gentle, non-invasive modality that helps to alleviate diverse conditions such as back pain, migraines, TMJ, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, as well as hip, shoulder, neck and knee pain.
I have many clients who are runners - weekend warriors, marathons, half marathons and 5K's. All of them appreciate time on the table to help keep their running form in top shape and to prevent injuries. Body builders also appreciate the work as it loosens tight muscles, allowing for ease in workouts and competitions.
I also work with the baby boomer population who appreciate the gentle approach to the aches and pains they experience.
To allow more people to experience MFR, I have kept the cost of the session very reasonable.
Contact me today via email, text or a phone call to schedule your appointment!