art of healing science of touch
● 30 years performing the ancient art and modern science of therapeutic massage
● Studied a wide variety of therapeutic modalities, philosophies and scientific theories
● Expert in energetic therapies and natural therapeutics
● Competent and effective with diverse clientele
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, (NCTMB)
US, #284930-00 06/00 - present
State Licensed Massage Practitioner, (LMP)
Washington, #MA00019552 04/00 - 02/2025
Universal Therapeutic Massage Institute, Albuquerque NM, 3.5 GPA 1999
Diploma Mastered Swedish Massage, Craniosacral Techniques, Sports Massage, Myofascial
Therapy, Trigger Point Techniques, Hydrotherapy, Bach Flowers, Chinese Medicine, Tui-na, Shiatsu,
Polarity, Ayurveda, Kinesiology, Ethics, Pathology, Internship Cranio-Sacral, Cranio-Sacral
Unwinding, Core Synchronism, Ho'oponopono.
European Massage Therapy Institute, San Antonio TX, 3.3 GPA 1993
Diploma Swedish Massage, Tui-na, Vedic massage Shiatsu, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology,
Hydrotherapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Skin Analysis, Masque Therapy and microdermabrasion,
Anthony Delgado, LMP (425)
Bellevue, WA 98007
Sohnen Moe Associates, Online Education
Ethics: Emotions in the Treatment Room 4 02/13
Ethical Principles Overview 2 06/08
The Ethics of Touch 4 11/06
Dynamics of Effective communication 2 06/04
Bellevue Massage School, Bellevue, WA
Lomi-Lomi 24 05/13
Manual Ligament Therapy 30 02/12
LMT Success Group, Federal Way, WA
Medical Massage; Neck and Back 16 08/08
The Body Mind Energetics Institute, Lake City, WA
Chi gung 15 11/06
Tibetan & Taoist Healing Arts 30/Ongoing 03/05
Sotai 10 06/04
Usui Shiki Ryoho, Albuquerque, NM
Reiki Master 36 11/00
Reiki 2nd degree 16 09/00
Reiki 1st degree 16 09/00
New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics, Albuquerque, NM
Honored as highly gifted student
Core Synchronism 3 20 09/00
Ho'oponopono 8 01/00
Ho'oponopono 16 10/99
Cranio-Sacral Unwinding 16 10/99
Cranio-Sacral 2 16 09/99
Core Synchronism 1 20 08/99
Core Synchronism 2 20 08/99
Cranio-Sacral 1 16 06/99
Neuromuscular Therapy Center of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
NMT 5 16 12/99
NMT 4 16 12/99
NMT 1 16 08/99
Credentialed with:
● Premera
● Lifewise
● First Choice Insurance PPO
● LNI Provider Washington State
● PIP Auto Injury Claims