Kit The r apy
Massage and Ret r eat "Keep In
Lau r a
Boyden #11793-146
L r
National and Wisconsin State
Ce r tifi...
Kit The r apy
Massage and Ret r eat "Keep In
Lau r a
Boyden #11793-146
L r
National and Wisconsin State
Ce r tified
Membe r of Assoicated Bodywork and Massage Professionals
My name is Lau r a Boyden. I g r aduated
f r om Lakeside School of Massage in
2012. As a Massage The r apist,
I encou r age and help people to ca r e fo r
and app r eciate thei r body and life. The connection between
mind, soul and body is inte r twined
to make the maste r piece that is
uniquely you. Massage Therapy helps to
avoid the fundamental stresses that impact ou r
body and wellbeing. Awaken, r enew
and r esto r e
that life giving balance. Conside r
making massage a pa r t of you r healthy ways.
I offe r
Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, Thai, reflexology, acupressure and many othe r modalities that a r e
beneficial to my clients needs and p r efe r ences. I inco r po r ate hot and cold stone as well as hyd r othe r apy
and a r omathe r apy
fo r va r iety
and pe r sonal t r eatments.
My clients expe r ience g r eate r
health and well being, r elief and
quicke r r ecove r y f r om
inju r y o r
Chai r Massage
Want to t r eat
you r family, g r oup
o r employees to the healthy benefits
of chai r massage?
I will t r avel
to my clients home o r business upon r equest.
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