Have you ever suffered from pain and no matter what you did, it didn't go away??
Pain is actually our friend - it's an alarm that is saying you're not aligned either in thought, belief, emotions or physical behavior/guarding. You have a desire for your life or situation to be different but your belief doesn't support it. Your beliefs are the programs that run all the behavior in your life.
Hence why it feels so hard sometimes to change to 'eat better' or 'workout'. If you haven't changed the operating program, assumptions and beliefs, the action you take yields very limited results. (aka New Years Resolutions) No physical pain is ever just physical pain, it also has a thought, emotional, and deeper belief energy surrounding it. Admit it, if you've been in pain, your thoughts are not quite easy, free, happy and optimistic...They are often frightened or guilty, hopeless or resentful at ourselves or others. You may experience the a myriad of lack thoughts around not having enough time, resources, energy, or space.
Myofascial Release (John F. Barnes Style) is a gentle hands on treatment that allows you stop fighting and soften into any sensation you are feeling so it can move through you and you can be free.
As human beings, we are alive and are BIO- MAGNETIC-ELECTRIC. Our Fascia is our 3-D connective tissue that maintains the space and health around every single structure in our body so this bio-magnetic-electric energy can easily flow through us constantly renewing our tissues, organs and body. The trouble starts when we have an experience (trauma, injury, etc) that causes us to react and guard our body. We clamp down and over time the tissues become hard, hot, tender, shortened, tight and dehydrated. Then we attach circumstances and stories to it and talk about it a lot! Its a whole pattern between circumstances, our thoughts/beliefs, emotions and decisions. Maybe we are in a job or relationship that stresses us out, so day in and day out we are guarding. Eventually we don't realize we are doing it, we are just in PAIN and that is the MAJORITY OF OUR WAKING and/or NON SLEEPING EXPERIENCE! With these patterns of being the flow of energy does not continue as before when it was free and easy when we felt good, like our younger healthier selves.
Before the pain really takes hold in your body it takes a whole lot of thought/belief and energetic momentum to be spiraling in a negative direction. BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE DOOMED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. It does however take a consistent faithful daily practice of healthy habits to turn you around into a positive direction. Start right now! Every activity you participate in will start to bump up your well-being bank account and equity. The more you invest in the positive 'stock' of where you want to go and how you want to be, you will grow and move towards that!
Essential Life-Flowing Daily Practices:
1. Right now, from this moment forward, start to move your body. Notice your breath and see how easily and deep you can breathe. Start where it feels good to move, maybe your feet; flexing your toes up and down, turning your foot slightly in and out and circling around. Follow that same curious exploration of your entire body. In painful places just go softly to the edge of what you start to feel and breathe into that.
Then focus on moving your spine, by walking, swimming, dancing or moving around in a chair. You can do it from wherever you are, and you just move as much as you can in this moment. NEVER FORCING OR PUSHING. Just curious exploring.
2. Start to focus your mind. This means, look at a candle or running water or listen to a fan or air conditioner/heater for 15 minutes. Wherever your mind goes in terms of thoughts, ideas just bring it back to the object you decided to focus on. Eventually as you practice this daily for around 30 days consistently, you will notice a free floating place where there is some space between your thoughts.
3. Find the most pleasing, joyful thing to focus on. Maybe its a picture of a place you want to go, an amazingly soft blanket, an instrument, music, food, a pet. Something that helps you to anchor that feeling good place in your heart and body. Swim in those positive sensations, list more and more positive aspects of whatever you chose. Allow appreciation to flood your body with feel good chemistry. :) This builds the muscle or your attention to the positive in your life because when you are in PAIN, that usually becomes so big - nothing else easily enters your experience. Start anchoring the feeling good place where you want to be. No one else can do it for you or fill you up. Be empowered!
Erin specializes in John F. Barnes' Myofascial Release technique to free your body from pain & deeper mind awareness techniques- helping you to identify your thought patterns and emotions that are driving you further into PAIN. She works with you to identify the root cause of your pain then empowers you to focus on the thriving, active, and satisfying lifestyle of your choice.
She believes in you. If you are alive and you have a desire for a better life, it is possible. From wherever you are, together you will find the next step up the scale to where you're going.
Follow her on social media to learn more about the beauty and depth of this mind-body work.
Instagram: mindbodyfreedomtherapymfr
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