The son of two Asian-Indian immigrants, Kush Doshi, MHA, MPA, LMT graduated from the University of Washington in 2021 with a Master in Health Administration and Public Administration. Passionate about...
The son of two Asian-Indian immigrants, Kush Doshi, MHA, MPA, LMT graduated from the University of Washington in 2021 with a Master in Health Administration and Public Administration. Passionate about advancing health efforts for communities of color and mobilizing health equity, he currently works for Community Health Plan of Washington as the Program Manager for Immigrant and Refugee Health. He previously worked at Sea Mar Community Health Centers as the Health Center Administrator for the Marysville Medical and Dental sites and the Sea Mar Medical Residency Program. He became a Board member with Seattle Roots Community Health in early 2021 and serves as Board Secretary and Board Governance Workgroup lead. In 2024, he joined the City of Seattle Immigrant and Refugee Commission as a Commissioner. Kush graduated from the Arlington School of Massage in August of 2024 and is the owner of Community First Massage Therapy, PLLC. Kush has presented at numerous conferences and on panels focused around advancing health equity including for the University of Washington School of Public Health, the Association of University Programs in Health Administration, and Northwest Regional Primary Care Association. He also has provided numerous presentations on immigrant and refugee health across Washington State such as the Washington State Public Health Association’s Annual Conference, the Refugee Community Building Conference held by the New Americans Alliance for Policy and Research, and to various community based organizations and community providers. My Massage Journey During his time at Sea Mar Community Health Center, Kush saw patients such as immigrants, refugees, farmworkers, other communities of color, and low-income populations coming in for conditions such as shoulder pain, low back pain, and chronic pain conditions. He quickly realized that there were alternative methods to reducing pain besides pain medication that could better improve and support the lives of patients. Doing a bit of research, he saw that there was a growth in the massage therapy industry as becoming a mode for clinical treatment. A year later, he graduated from the Arlington School of Massage and received his license from the Department of Health. Interests Chronic Pain Management Pregnancy Pain and Management Health Equity in Massage Therapy Integrating Massage Therapy into Clinical Settings Culturally Responsive/Humble Care Additional Certifications/Qualifications Received: Intraoral Manual Lymphatic Drainage Breast and Chest
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