Ideal Massage is in-home massage therapy focused on assisting clients re-discover their sense of well-being through personalized therapies that nurture both body and mind.
For thousands of years, therapeutic massage has been practiced throughout the globe. Therapeutic massage increases muscle blood flow and warmth, boosts performance, reduces cell adhesion, increases muscular flexibility, and reduces injury risk. Massage can reduce anxiety by increasing parasympathetic responses, reducing the stress hormone cortisol and increasing neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which help regulate mood. For people who suffer from sleeplessness due to menopause or congestive heart failure, massage treatment can help.
A massage is a very intimate experience. At home, you can set your personal atmosphere exactly how you like it. Set the room temperature perfectly, choose the music you like and set the lighting to your standards. Only you know the environment that makes you most comfortable.
The Ideal Massage combines professional therapeutic touch and the comfort of home to create the perfect experience.
Operating Hours
- MondayBy appointment only
- TuesdayBy appointment only
- WednesdayBy appointment only
- ThursdayBy appointment only
- FridayBy appointment only
- SaturdayBy appointment only
- SundayBy appointment only
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