I'm not your typical massage therapist, and my massage is not your typical massage. If your looking for a spa "relaxation" massage then I'm not your massage therapist. My massage has a more Clinical feel to it. If I find something wrong then I'll do my best to fix the issue. Over the years I've had great results with Neck, Shoulders, Low Backs and Hips/Glutes. I can't say what type of massage I do because everything that I've learned over the years sort of makes its way into my massage technique, but I describe it as a Therapeutic Deep Tissue and Sports Massage. Sports for injuries to a specific area and connector muscles only massage.
I'm going out on my own now and opening up my own business. This new venture is inside 615 Pilates in Belle Meade. Make your appointment now so I can make you feel better tomorrow.
I have a 24 hour CANCELLATION policy. If you DON'T CANCEL your appointment before 24 hours then you WILL BE CHARGED for the FULL PRICE of appointment length.
Operating Hours
- MondayClosed
- TuesdayBy appointment only
- WednesdayBy appointment only
- ThursdayBy appointment only
- FridayBy appointment only
- SaturdayClosed
- SundayClosed
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