Soul to Sole Integrative Therapies is a professional practice and all ethical boundaries are to be maintained at all times. There is a ZERO tolerance policy and no solicitation is allowed. Any insinuations or suggestive activities are grounds for immediate termination of the massage and the client will be charged the full price of the services. Thereafter the client may be placed on a lifetime ban and any indiscretions may be reported.
Solicitation for Prostitution Penalties in Pennsylvania
If a person is convicted of patronizing a prostitute or asking for sex from an establishment that is legitimate, he or she could face the following sentences:
- Third-Degree Misdemeanor — Maximum sentence of one year in prison and maximum fine of $2,500
- Second-Degree Misdemeanor — Maximum sentence of two years in prison and maximum fine of $5,000
- First-Degree Misdemeanor — Maximum sentence of five years in prison and maximum fine of $10,000
- Third-Degree Felony — Maximum sentence of seven years in prison and maximum fine of $15,000
Soul to Sole Integrative Therapies will not be interpreted as anything other than 100% professional and uphold to the full integrity of it's practice.
Conditions treated with corrective massage techniques
Fascial and myofascial restrictions, scar and adhesion restrictions
Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff and labrum issues
Postural distortions - text neck, dowagers hump, lordosis and kyphosis, sway back, functional scoliosis
Lower back pain, sciatic pain, piriformis syndrom, psoas and iliacus pain
Carpal tunnel, forearm, elbow and shoulder pain
Hip, knee and ankle pain, labrum issues
TMI pain, restriction, headaches and migraines
Most pain and restrictions can be treated, at the therapists discretion
Pregnancy and post birth milk production
Chest and breast massage for postural distortions, forward shoulder and neck posture, augmentation and reduction surgeries to reduce and release scar tissue and adhesions,
Fascial and myofascial restrictions, scar and adhesion restrictions
Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff and labrum issues
Postural distortions - text neck, dowagers hump, lordosis and kyphosis, sway back, functional scoliosis
Lower back pain, sciatic pain, piriformis syndrom, psoas and iliacus pain
Carpal tunnel, forearm, elbow and shoulder pain
Hip, knee and ankle pain, labrum issues
TMI pain, restriction, headaches and migraines
Most pain and restrictions can be treated, at the therapists discretion
Pregnancy and post birth milk production
Chest and breast massage for postural distortions, forward shoulder and neck posture, augmentation and reduction surgeries to reduce and release scar tissue and adhesions,
Massage should not be construed as a substitute for medical treatment. The massage therapist cannot diagnose or treat conditions other than soft tissue issues. The basic purpose is for relaxation, rejuvenation and relief of muscular tension and soft tissue injuries and conditions.
We are partners in your health journey, empowering you to be an active participant in your health and wellness plan. We look forward to working with you!
Operating Hours
- Monday10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
- TuesdayClosed
- WednesdayClosed
- Thursday10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- FridayBy appointment only
- Saturday9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- SundayClosed
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