Hello there, my name is Destany and I am here as your Massage Therapist !! My responsibility is to ensure all my clients leave their sessions feeling rejuvenated and refreshed to guarantee a better da...
I am committed to providing personalized care to each client, tailoring my treatments to address specific concerns and promote relaxation and healing. Transforming tension into tranquility. Book your ...
Hello! My name is Vivian Nicole C Gutierrez but you can just call me Nikki! I’ve always loved massage since i was a child. Whether it was massaging my family or getting spiritual cleanses, i enjoy hel...
Massage therapy Student at ncc acquiring my license to help facilitate your healing journey. I believe in the healing power of positive intentions through touch and the importance of mental and physic...
Create a body to fit your ideals A big part of achieving your goals is making sure that you have the body to keep up, whether it be having an explosive body for athletics, or just having more energy ...
A little bit about myself is that I started massaging when I was ten. My sister&mom love my massages and they’ve always said I have great hands and that I should focus on making it a career. Here I am...
I decided to become a massage therapist because I have always had a passion for helping people. I love seeing the joy in people's faces from the help I give to them without expecting anything in ...
Hello. Im Lucy. I am currently a massage therapy student and I love this field so much. I am very excited to start this amazing new path, and can’t wait to meet you!
As a Massage Therapy Student Intern at Northwest Career College, Stephany is compassionate and connects with her clients, empowering them on their healing journeys. Outside of school, Stephany is prou...
Professional Bodyworker dedicated to providing relaxing and rejuvenating massage experiences. I bring a thoughtful and professional approach to each session, ensuring comfort and tranquility. Ready ...
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