RL therapeutics, massage and bodywork Is on call on location 1st and foremost. It's your massage, your way, everytime.Whether you want a massage in your home, At your place of business,Or somewhere else entirely. Your massage Happens where you need it most. Whereever you need it most. If you're willing to pay extra for the distance then why not. After the destination of your massage is situated, the next thing to consider is what kind of massage.Again this is your massage. So the kind of massage is up to you. What exactly is making you seek out massage therapy? Do you have a pain somewhere specific?Or is it broad? Or if it's not a pain, is it a condition or disease or disorder that causes you body discomforts? You'll fill out a form with health questions from past and present. This form will help decide with your therapists Exactly what kind of massage that you need right now. Once the kind of massage that you are getting assituated, the next thing to consider is how long of a service you need.. Are you interested in the minimum time frame? If you're interested in the minimum time frame available for on location services that would be 90 minutes. Or 3 Half hour massages Back-to-back. Half hour massage are great for pinpointing paint points and for corporate places of business that want to provide massages as a benefit for their employees or something similar. So for corporate places massages of at least Three employees For at least a 1/2 hour each is necessary for scheduling and booking. For residential or private events a one and a 1/2 hour minimum is required for booking. Couple's massages are provided back-to-back with at least 1 hour massage each. Minimums are set there are no exceptions. If anything is booked under this requirement they will automatically be deleted.
Operating Hours
- MondayBy appointment only
- TuesdayBy appointment only
- WednesdayBy appointment only
- ThursdayBy appointment only
- FridayBy appointment only
- SaturdayBy appointment only
- SundayBy appointment only
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