Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle, holistic approach to heal pain, dis-ease and illness. It facilitates a full rewiring of the brain so your body relearns what it already knows, which is how to heal itself. The master-controller of the nervous system is the brain and the spinal cord, which controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of our body but, when accumulated stress (including physical, emotional and/or chemical) is not fully processed, it is stored in our nervous system creating blockages along our spine leading to real disturbances and imbalances in our bodies. As a Spinal Flow Technique Practitioner, I aim to elicit the body's innate healing intelligence with the sole intent to reconnect the nervous system to the brain so the body can find, identify and release the spinal blockages. The spinal wave might be slow to grow but Spinal Flow Technique is an incredibly fast and effective way to help you heal and feel amazing.
Operating Hours
- MondayBy appointment only
- TuesdayClosed
- WednesdayClosed
- ThursdayClosed
- FridayBy appointment only
- SaturdayClosed
- SundayClosed
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