Integrative massage therapy may incorporate elements of Swedish massage, deep tissue techniques, facilitated stretching, mobilizations, and myofascial release, depending on your needs, goals, and preferences.
Integrative massage therapy may incorporate elements of Swedish massage, deep tissue techniques, facilitated stretching, mobilizations, and myofascial release, depending on your needs, goals, and preferences.
Integrative massage therapy may incorporate elements of Swedish massage, deep tissue techniques, facilitated stretching, mobilizations, and myofascial release, depending on your needs, goals, and preferences.
Integrative massage therapy may incorporate elements of Swedish massage, deep tissue techniques, facilitated stretching, mobilizations, and myofascial release, depending on your needs, goals, and preferences.
These sessions use very light, slow touch systematically to help soothe and regulate your nervous system, often inducing a very deep state of relaxation and stillness. These sessions do not require any disrobing, oils, or lotions. Please wear
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