See below for most popular services.
Hello. I'm Brenda Armstrong, owner and practicing massage therapist.
Most commonly these days, I'm consulted for headache, neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, backache, accidents, surgery recovery and the discomfort of chronic illnesses and conditions.
Since my first therapeutic touch in 1978, I've worked with a broad spectrum of clients from 4 years of age to those at the end of life, from top physical performance individuals to those with chronic and debilitating diseases. The overall approach and mix of techniques I employ are highly effective in a diverse range of medical and non-medical conditions and states of health.
My exceptionally long track record supporting the health and well-being of my clients and associates is due in part to the fact that I work with your body and not against it. Rather than placing an aggressive, forceful demand on the tissues to change, I invite and encourage the body to shift as it needs to. I honor the underlying soulful, emotional source that animates who we are.
At A Touch of Wellness, you'll also find personal wellness products, including a proprietary anti-inflammatory pain product for joints, muscles and tendons. Comfort Cream is a quick-acting, light cream used in massage sessions when needed and is available to take home. I developed and began producing Comfort Cream several years ago and it's helped many people with a variety of painful conditions.
While you are with me, if you wish guidance in understanding what your body is doing and how you might alleviate your discomfort, that is included in your session.
I carefully designed my office, with every detail aimed at providing you a chance to recover, quiet down ... to regain balance, energy and perspective to manage life's challenges.
I'd love to meet and partner with you to boost your enjoyment of life.
Operating Hours
- MondayClosed
- TuesdayBy appointment only
- WednesdayBy appointment only
- ThursdayClosed
- FridayBy appointment only
- SaturdayBy appointment only
- SundayClosed
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