Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension. Massage oil is used with smooth, gliding strokes to ease stress in the nervous system. Essential oils available upon request.
Therapeutic deep tissue massage relieves acute muscular and connective tissue tension that lie below the surface. Slow strokes, direct pressure and friction movements that go across the muscle grain will improve range of motion in the joints
Abdominal massage helps to release muscular armoring in the trunk, increases respiration in the diaphragm, regulates menstruation, softens low back tension, increases organ motility, and brings awareness and life energy to reproductive organs
Specific therapeutic techniques address tension in posterior aspect of the sacrum, tailbone, gluts, and low back. Good for clients suffering from chronic sciatic symptoms, low back pain, or unresolved adhesions from historic trauma to the tai
A rainbow of essential oils massaged intricately into the spinal muscles strengthen the immune system and lift the spirit. Warm stones placed along the length of the spine imbibe the healing properties of the oils to transform chronic tension
This unique chi-balancing massage addresses tension in the face, as well as neck, shoulders, scalp, chest, hands & feet. Therapeutic massage, energizing acupressure points, gua sha, and facial cupping address underlying musculature tension to
The Massage Retreat is a space to experience a finely tuned full body massage. Includes abdominal, posterior pelvic, essential oil spinal treatment, full body, as well as facial massage. This massage has that "no stone left unturned" quality,
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the specific needs of expecting women. Specially designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen. Treat yourself and your growing star chil
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