Clinical Massage, Acupuncture/Dry Needling, Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine, clinical massage and other natural medicine recommendations for chronic conditions, infectious disease, pain, inflammation, anxiety, digestive problems and other imbalances.
Rondi has 20 years experience including clinical experience as a massage therapist, Chinese medicine clinician, yoga teacher and herbal medicine practitioner. Her massage is deep tissue and is appopriate for muscle issues, joint and structural work, prevention, and post surgical or injury.
Any of the following modalities may be used during your session:
Hot stones
Fire cupping
Myo-fascial release
joint manipulation
Structural re-balancing
Various other massage techniques
Operating Hours
- MondayClosed
- TuesdayClosed
- WednesdayBy appointment only
- ThursdayClosed
- FridayBy appointment only
- SaturdayBy appointment only
- SundayClosed
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