Nina has been in massage for 8 years and is still excited about the results she gets with clients! Nina is constantly learning new techniques to bring to the table. She is certified in Dr. Vodder'...
Nina has been in massage for 8 years and is still excited about the results she gets with clients! Nina is constantly learning new techniques to bring to the table. She is certified in Dr. Vodder's Manual Lymphatic Drainage (1 of only 2 therapists in Maryland) and has take multiple classes in John F Barnes Myofascial Release. These 2 specialties in addition to Swedish and Deep Tissue techniques allow her to really help her clients solve problems. Nina is very concerned about more than just her client's physical health--we are more than just physical. We are Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual as well. She teaches classes to help address these other aspects so that her clients bring their whole being into harmony!
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