Mobile Massage Outcall Booking
Online booking for Outcalls – Yes!
We know outcall bookings have a whole different set of criteria that need to be taken into account. Like location (you may not want to work in certain parts of town), driving distance (limit drive time to no more than a certain number of miles), down time between outcall appointments (you need to time to regroup and get to the next appointment) and more. It can get complex quickly. MassageBook has taken all that and more into account and can now allow people to find and book you for outcall appointments online – without worry!
Accept only the appointments you want
In the past, accepting online bookings for outcalls has been virtually impossible. There were just too many ways that could go wrong… You can feel secure accepting online booking for outcalls through MassageBook. You specify the exact rules for who, where and when you’ll allow to book online so you can spend less time on the phone and more time working on clients.
Where: Define your service area and cities
Tell MassageBook exactly how far you’re willing to drive and which cities in that range you’ll accept appointments in. It’s just one of the cool features that’s unique to MassageBook. Public visitors to MassageBook must enter their service address, at which point they’ll only see outcall providers who will come to their address.