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Ebb & Flow Massage Therapy
200 S 3rd St
Richmond, KY 40475
4 reviews
10% off Sports Massage for Student Athletes
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Sports Massage targets muscles that are used in a specific sport or activity. Some benefits of sports massage include: decrease in muscle soreness and injuries, decrease in recovery time, and improved range of motion and flexibility. It is a great type of therapy for athletes or those who live an active lifestyle. Student athletes will receive 10% off their first Sports Massage session!
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Total relaxation and relief from your daily stressors are all yours at Ebb & Flow Massage Therapy. Since 2015, we've provided top-notch massage services at our local, woman-owned center for professional massage therapy in Richmond, KY. Whether you need a relaxing, therapeutic massage, tension-relieving bodywork, or a specialty massage for pregnant women, you've come to the right place. Our staff is highly trained to meet your unique needs and deliver an exceptional experience. We're proud to have been voted twice as having the number one massage therapists in Richmond. We'll help you lower stress, increase immune function, boost mental health and wellness, manage pain, and improve your physical fitness.