Äyurveda is an ancient healing system with roots in India. This complete medical system has been around for over 5000 years. Äyurveda brings the idea that we are beings of nature and as as such, we do better when our habits and lifestyle mimic that of nature. A simple example of this would be eating our main meal at lunch because our digestive fire is most vibrant at this time. In nature, the digestive fire is represented by the sun, which is highest and brighter around noon. The other main concept in Äyurveda is the theory of the 5 elements which we all have within in different capacities. The elements are: space, air, fire, water, and earth. No person is the same as another when it comes to the elements. These elements join together in pairs to form doshas; We can think of a dosha as a type of inner intelligence that tries to keep the mind and body in balance. Äyurveda is a preventative science that can be successful in treating chronic issues as well (ideally integrated with allopathic medicine)
What I have to offer is completely different from anything you have experienced in the world of massage therapy and wellness services. I know this because it is what I hear the most after I provide Äyurveda inspired treatments to my guests. When received after a thorough Äyurvedic consultation,Ā Äyurvedic treatments will be personalized to your mind-body constitution (Prakriti) but also to the imbalances you are presenting with on the day (Vikriti), this means that your treatments will change as your needs change.Ā
My second specialty is in craniosacral therapy. CST is a subtle hands-on modality that reduces tone in the nervous system allowing for a better flow of cerebrospinal fluid and improved function of all systems of the body. Craniosacral therapy is provided with the client fully-clothed. Being a very non-invasive type of bodywork, it is especially useful for people who prefer to be less exposed physically. Craniosacral therapy is great for individuals suffering from TMJS, migraines, stress, ear issues, and ocular fatigue.
I also offer other western massage modalities like deep tissue, swedish, trigger point therapy, and SMRT.
In case you want to continue your self-care journey at home, I can suggest herbal supplements, oils, and skincare products. At my studio you will also find handmade MÄlÄĀ necklaces. I make these meditation jewelry pieces in ritual, chanting a Sanskrit mantra (different for each MÄlÄ) to infuse energetic qualities into the necklace (peace, protection, abundance, love and so on). Semiprecious gems like Amethyst, Quartz, Tiger's eye, Blue Lace Agate and more are used to make these MÄlÄĀ necklaces.
Thank you so much for visiting! Hope to see you soon on my table.
Powered By Gratitude,
Celeste =)