Hello to all! I received my state medical board license in late 2019. My journey to massage therapy was a little different some might say. I started out going to school for Athletic Training. Since it was expensive for that schooling I had to move back home and find a different educational plan for my future. I have always had a love for the medical field and I knew I didn’t want to be a nurse or a doctor and everyone around me I knew told me I should go to massage therapy school and that’s ...
Hello to all! I received my state medical board license in late 2019. My journey to massage therapy was a little different some might say. I started out going to school for Athletic Training. Since it was expensive for that schooling I had to move back home and find a different educational plan for my future. I have always had a love for the medical field and I knew I didn’t want to be a nurse or a doctor and everyone around me I knew told me I should go to massage therapy school and that’s what I did. People always say you should take care of your body and not many people listen to that advice. I should know I had two knee surgeries within a year of each other, due to playing sports. It’s important that you take care of your body. That way we can live a healthy and happy life. Massage therapy is great for resetting the mind and body and assisting in the healing journey with people when they need it the most. No matter what the issue the body might be dealing with. My goal here at The Royal Touch Spa is to expand each of the client's knowledge and my knowledge of self care and massage. While being able to help the client feeling better when they leave the appointment then when they came into the appointment.
OH # 33.024808
Assoicates in Massage Therapy
sports massage specialist