'Becoming God', describes reunification with Source through the physical embodiment of higher aspects of your own soul-self, to varying levels and vibrations of Divinity.
All existing Marconics students will continue to rise up through on-going activations, into higher vibrational states of being, until they reach the summit of their ability.
We turn our focus towards the personal transfiguration of all that remains, and prevents those who choose it, from perfecting their state of being at ea...
'Becoming God', describes reunification with Source through the physical embodiment of higher aspects of your own soul-self, to varying levels and vibrations of Divinity.
All existing Marconics students will continue to rise up through on-going activations, into higher vibrational states of being, until they reach the summit of their ability.
We turn our focus towards the personal transfiguration of all that remains, and prevents those who choose it, from perfecting their state of being at each and every dimensional level. Whether you choose to live out your lives here on Earth, or Transmigrate beyond this time matrix to other worlds and realties, Transmutation of base elements of fear, negativity, density and lingering karmic patterning must continue, as we strive for full mastery of our own free souls.
Our individual one-to-one coaching technique will be tailored to match the unique requirements of each individual. Alison and I will aim to address any remaining blockages, or barriers, barring you from stepping into your power to fully personify and embody your chosen ascension path.
From here we go where no man has been before.