Welcome to Intentions Massage and Guilty Crow Tarot. My name is Rachel Bonesteel and I am a New York State Licensed Massage Therapist. I am a graduate of the Mildred Elley massage program in 2011 and I have been an X Ray and MRI Technologist for over 25 years specializing in Orthopedics. I have been happily reading Tarot for 30 years.
I specialize in massage therapy for pain management of the upper back and neck, chronic stress, anxiety disorders and panic disorders. I specialize because I ha...
Welcome to Intentions Massage and Guilty Crow Tarot. My name is Rachel Bonesteel and I am a New York State Licensed Massage Therapist. I am a graduate of the Mildred Elley massage program in 2011 and I have been an X Ray and MRI Technologist for over 25 years specializing in Orthopedics. I have been happily reading Tarot for 30 years.
I specialize in massage therapy for pain management of the upper back and neck, chronic stress, anxiety disorders and panic disorders. I specialize because I have a long history with panic attacks and GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). And a very long history with neck pain due to stress and overuse issues.
I also specialize in, and am certified in fertility, pregnancy, and postnatal massage therapy and am certified to teach infant massage classes. I have two amazing kids of my own (although they are no longer kids) and I know first hand how important massage is during this time of a woman's life. I swear the only thing that got me through labor was my husband massaging my legs and feet.
It is important that we take care of ourselves and realize that we are not supposed to be running on empty and stressed out 24 hours a day because eventually your mind and body will break. I know first hand how this feels and have vowed to never let that happen again.
I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher, Integrative Energy Therapist and practice Elemental Space Clearing. These forms of energy therapy help address and release stagnant energy and emotions to achieve balance of the body, mind and spirit. I love combining all of these modalities into my Intentional Energy Sessions, which I started calling "Rachel Sessions" because not one session is evert the same and
All of my massage sessions are slow and relaxing, even when getting the deep work taken care of. I don't believe that massage should hurt and be overly painful other than that "good hurt" feeling. I believe in working with the body to assist it in freeing itself from the chronic tension, pain, stress and anxiety and not trying to force it into doing something its not ready to do.
I believe that tarot sessions should be empowering, helping you make choices that will forge the blueprint for your life. While we all have things that we cannot control in our lives, we can control how we respond to them. Seeing a situation in the 360 degree view that tarot can provide you can help you create a game plan that speaks to your soul, because through tarot your soul has a chance to speak to you. But only you get to decide if you listen.
I look forward to meeting you! And welcome you to the Intentions Family!
NY # 026376
# 618858
Massage Therapy Program