Hello! My name is Lindsey, and I have been a Massage Therapist for over 12 years. I love it now just as much as I did when I first started! I am dedicated to helping all clients to feel better and have a life with less pain and discomfort!
I often take the opportunity to further my knowledge to learn new and beneficial therapies to bring to my clients and to the community! The different modalities and therapies offered deal with the most common symptoms fo...
Hello! My name is Lindsey, and I have been a Massage Therapist for over 12 years. I love it now just as much as I did when I first started! I am dedicated to helping all clients to feel better and have a life with less pain and discomfort!
I often take the opportunity to further my knowledge to learn new and beneficial therapies to bring to my clients and to the community! The different modalities and therapies offered deal with the most common symptoms for acute or chronic pain, migraines, Arthritis, post surgery, cancer, and athletes, etc.
As a veteran of the U.S. Army, my heart and loyalty go out to all military veterans and their families! Body & Soul offers an everyday 20% discount to Veterans, Law Enforcement, and Firefighters!
Have a great day!
Lindsey Grindall, LMBT
NC # 5688
Neuromuscular and Massage Therapy