I am a marine biologist, who has gained an interest in helping people as well as crustaceans. A few years ago, I discovered and fell in love with yoga. I decided to enter a 200-hour yoga teacher training, more to learn about myself, but it turns out, I love teaching as well. As a yoga teacher, I got a small glimpse of how a supportive touch can be healing for others. I've always have had an interest in massage therapy, so I decided to attend SpaTech in Ipsw...
I am a marine biologist, who has gained an interest in helping people as well as crustaceans. A few years ago, I discovered and fell in love with yoga. I decided to enter a 200-hour yoga teacher training, more to learn about myself, but it turns out, I love teaching as well. As a yoga teacher, I got a small glimpse of how a supportive touch can be healing for others. I've always have had an interest in massage therapy, so I decided to attend SpaTech in Ipswich, MA.
I love helping people in a very tangible way, whether it is relieving stress or easing chronic pain. Both yoga teaching and massage therapy allow me to help others in this manner, and it's extremely rewarding. I truly believe that a caring, supportive touch can be one of the most effective healing treatments we can give each other as human beings.
I currently work in all three fields - marine biology, yoga teacher, and massage therapist. My massage therapist practice is part-time, so I am only available on a limited basis. When I am not working, I can often be found on my yoga mat, enjoying the outdoors, or on occasion, climbing a rock wall.
Therapeutic Massage Therapy