With over 6 years experience, Sarah draws from massage therapy and/or Cranio-Sacral therapy (CST) based on your individual needs. She specializes in helping people who experience stress, anxiety, chronic pain or injury, particularly low back/hip and head/neck/jaw issues. She is also happy to just help you relax and take a break from the stress of the day-to-day. Sarah has one year of advanced training in Cranio-Sacral Therapy, as well as a massage education based on Swedish, myofascial rele...
With over 6 years experience, Sarah draws from massage therapy and/or Cranio-Sacral therapy (CST) based on your individual needs. She specializes in helping people who experience stress, anxiety, chronic pain or injury, particularly low back/hip and head/neck/jaw issues. She is also happy to just help you relax and take a break from the stress of the day-to-day. Sarah has one year of advanced training in Cranio-Sacral Therapy, as well as a massage education based on Swedish, myofascial release, intra-oral massage, and neuromuscular techniques. Cranio-Sacral Therapy works very gently with the nervous system, and can help with a large variety of conditions from headaches and TMJ disorder, to neck and low back pain, to anxiety and depression. Either on its own or as a small part of a larger massage session, it relies on the body's natural tendency to seek health and wholeness, and leaves you with a deep sense of calmness and integration.
WA # MA#60087397
1,000 Hour Extended Massage Therapy Program
Craniosacral - A Healing Art: Core Series