I am currently apprenticing with The Fix Therapy to obtain a massage therapy license. As a physician assistant over the last 7 years. I have struggled with successfully treating patients with acute body pain. My abilities are limited to ordering radiologic exams and prescribing medications such as anti-inflammatories or narcotics, which are only short-term at managing the issue and typically "mask" the symptoms. I admit the source of the pain was unintentionally ignored and I skipped directly...
I am currently apprenticing with The Fix Therapy to obtain a massage therapy license. As a physician assistant over the last 7 years. I have struggled with successfully treating patients with acute body pain. My abilities are limited to ordering radiologic exams and prescribing medications such as anti-inflammatories or narcotics, which are only short-term at managing the issue and typically "mask" the symptoms. I admit the source of the pain was unintentionally ignored and I skipped directly to the treatment of the patient. It wasn't until I began going to The Fix Therapy where I was shown ways to successfully alleviate pain and become more "self aware" of how self-held tension and poor body mechanics are directly related to musculoskeletal pain.
As an athlete who competes and participates in many different physical activities such as surfing, stand up paddle boarding, weight training, running, volleyball, and yoga, I have a history of injuries that frequently cause me discomfort. I have tried many modalities to ease this pain which have not been fully successful so I decided to use the knowledge I have of human anatomy and learn more about body mechanics and muscular therapy to treat my clients and myself. I feel that having musculoskeletal pain helps give me insight to helping others with similar pain.
I am a graduate of Stanford University School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program and have a Masters in Medical Sciences. I have currently been apprenticing at The Fix Therapy with John Adams, LMT and his team for 4 months.
# 9109222