Stephanie has been practicing Massage Therapy since 2009. She specializes in clinical and therapeutic sports massage providing a customized session that includes a thorough intake, structural assessment, and post-session consultation. In session Stephanie utilizes Myofasical Release, Craniosacral, and NeuroMuscular Techniques to help clients achieve their health and wellness goals. She has worked closely with Physical Therapists, Personal Trainers, Acupuncturists, and NeuroBio Feedback...
Stephanie has been practicing Massage Therapy since 2009. She
specializes in clinical and therapeutic sports massage providing a
customized session that includes a thorough intake, structural
assessment, and post-session consultation. In session Stephanie utilizes
Myofasical Release, Craniosacral, and NeuroMuscular Techniques to help
clients achieve their health and wellness goals. She has worked closely
with Physical Therapists, Personal Trainers, Acupuncturists, and
NeuroBio Feedback therapists and is happy to communicate with any
clinician that is apart of her client's healthcare team. Stephanie
taught Massage Therapy for two years at the National Massage Therapy
Institute and believes that client education is vital to helping clients
increase self-awareness and achieve mind-body balance. While
preventative maintenance massage helps keep athletes strong, Stephanie
also has the experience and skill to help rehabilitate athletes who are
injured and looking to make a comeback.
VA # 0019008630
Massage Therapy
Taught Massage Therapy bodywork with a focus on anatomy and physiology.