Sarah is an Usui/Holy Fire® III/World Peace Reiki Ryoho Master and an ICRT (International Center for Reiki Training) Animal Reiki Master. She is passionate about sharing Reiki with people and animals to assist them in feeling the peace, clarity, comfort, and joy that Reiki brings through its healing energies. Sarah enjoys guiding clients on meditations that support a deeper connection to the healing energies and recommending books and self-care practices that have helped her along her journey...
Sarah is an Usui/Holy Fire® III/World Peace Reiki Ryoho Master and an ICRT (International Center for Reiki Training) Animal Reiki Master. She is passionate about sharing Reiki with people and animals to assist them in feeling the peace, clarity, comfort, and joy that Reiki brings through its healing energies. Sarah enjoys guiding clients on meditations that support a deeper connection to the healing energies and recommending books and self-care practices that have helped her along her journey of becoming increasingly aware of and in-tune with her healing abilities. We all have the ability to move our own energy and direct the course of our lives and Reiki is a tool to help us connect to these skills. Sarah is honored to share Reiki with you and support you exactly where you are, right now.
Master of Speech and Language Pathology
Holy Fire® III Reiki is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.
ICRT (International Center for Reiki Training) Course