“I believe people are healed by touch. There is nothing more powerful for stress relief and healing that a fantastic massage. I love making a difference in people’s quality of life by delighting them, relieving pain and stress at the same time. No two massages are ever the same. There is no routine followed. The client's body is the map my hands will read. There is something sacred about touching individuals with a well-intentioned, expertly delivered therapuetic massage. It is always an h...
“I believe people are healed by touch. There is nothing more powerful for stress relief and healing that a fantastic massage. I love making a difference in people’s quality of life by delighting them, relieving pain and stress at the same time. No two massages are ever the same. There is no routine followed. The client's body is the map my hands will read. There is something sacred about touching individuals with a well-intentioned, expertly delivered therapuetic massage. It is always an honor to deliver such a therapeutic and relaxing massage to the client.”
I am an intuitive, experienced massage therapist with a wide range of massage modalities, protocols and techniques in my practice including: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Oscillation, Shiatsu, Sports, Reflexology, Energy-work, and a customized Deep-Sports-Swedish massage. The use of muscle energy techniques is powerful for maximum muscle release in a non-aggressive manner. I do perform a number of stretches and alignments techniques to ensure complete satisfaction.
During the course of my massage career, I have “fixed” a ballet dancer’s knee eliminating the need for surgery, have helped an individual with bi-lateral carpal tunnel avoid surgery and regain the use of both thumbs, have been extremely effective with individuals suffering with sciatica and SI joint syndrome. Former clients have described me as a healer, intuitive, with healing hands and as a caring individual and therapist. I am responsive, professional, well-organized and enjoy the opportunity to work closely with individuals toward health care, health maintenance, or just sheer relaxation. I cannot lie, when people get off my table, they are amazed at how much relief or relaxation they now experience.
I am extremely positive, upbeat with a service and health-wellness focus. I am always careful to perform a thorough discussion with my client to determine their specific needs and special requests, including contraindications. As a general practice, I provide self-care instructions for homecare whenever it makes sense. As a therapuetic massage therapist I do not perform any acts beyond therapuetic massage.