Being a professional Massage therapist for 17 years, I know the value of movement and mobility! Einstein said : "Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving". After an injury that turned into CRPS/ RSD, it took over 2 years of nutrition, therapy, and rest to heal and get back to my work. The advanced techniques that had been helping my clients for years, became the therapy that helped me to heal despite being under the care of wonderful specialists, O.T's and P.t's care...
Being a professional Massage therapist for 17 years, I know the value of movement and mobility! Einstein said : "Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving". After an injury that turned into CRPS/ RSD, it took over 2 years of nutrition, therapy, and rest to heal and get back to my work. The advanced techniques that had been helping my clients for years, became the therapy that helped me to heal despite being under the care of wonderful specialists, O.T's and P.t's care.
AZ # 07136P
Master Massage Practicioner Sports and Spa Specialty 1160 hour program
Massage Therapy Program 300 hour core
Certified Personal Trainer
Muscular Strength and Range of Movement
Original Body with Contrast Therapy
Colon Hydrotherapy 1
B2: Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & RAS
Lymph Draiange Therapy I, II
Visceral Manipulation IA
CranioSacral Therapy 1
CranioSacral Therapy II
Myofascial Release 1
Myofascial Release II
Cervical- Thoracic Myofascial Release
Fascial-Pelvis Myofascial Release
Myofascial Unwinding
ElectroAnalgesic Medicine
Qi Revolution and Food Healing