The body has an amazing capacity to heal. My job as a physician of Chinese medicine is to ignite and fortify that capacity. To treat patients, I may use one or more of the following procedures: custom herbal prescriptions, acupuncture/pressure, e-stim, cupping, heat therapy, or gua sha. In treatment, points on the body are gently stimulated to initiate the healing process. Chinese medicine can treat much more than just pain. I welcome complex cases in which conventional western medicin...
The body has an amazing capacity to heal. My job as a physician of Chinese medicine is to ignite and fortify that capacity. To treat patients, I may use one or more of the following procedures: custom herbal prescriptions, acupuncture/pressure, e-stim, cupping, heat therapy, or gua sha. In treatment, points on the body are gently stimulated to initiate the healing process. Chinese medicine can treat much more than just pain. I welcome complex cases in which conventional western medicine has no satisfactory therapy.
I graduated from Amherst College with a B.A. in Asian Languages and Civilizations before completing the Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine and the Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine degrees at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. In 2013 I received the Golden Flower Award for excellence in herbal medicine. I am board certified by state and national standards, and I continue to hone my skills by studying with international masters such as Shoji Kobayashi, Suzanne Robidoux, and Ann Tam.
CA # 15921
# 155937
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Asian Languages & Civilizations
Specialty is using few needles with gentle stimulation or no needles at all for those who are needle sensitive.
Classical Chinese Medicine for Parkinson's Disease continuing education.
Received award for demonstrated excellence in Chinese herbal medicine.
Established acupuncture services at Inspire Chiropractic.