Local family owned and operated massage therapy business in Southern Indiana. Includes all types of bodywork from therapeutic massages to oriental techniques and chair massages.
I am a holistic thinker and, as such, interested in healing not only the body, but mind and spirit as well and in helping people of all ages attain inner balance and health.
My motto is: "Enjoy the little things in life... step by step, breath by breath"
- Regina Maier...
Local family owned and operated massage therapy business in Southern Indiana. Includes all types of bodywork from therapeutic massages to oriental techniques and chair massages.
I am a holistic thinker and, as such, interested in healing not only the body, but mind and spirit as well and in helping people of all ages attain inner balance and health.
My motto is: "Enjoy the little things in life... step by step, breath by breath"
- Regina Maier
Regina is a national and state certified massage therapist and kinesthetic practitioner. Her preferred massage method is the Auth forearm technique, which effectively allows penetrating deep into the tissue using a broader field of pressure, therefore resulting in a less harsh and more comfortable massage experience.
Regina focuses foremost on relaxation and stress management, pain relief and increasing flexibility. Her background in kinesthetic allows her to work together with her clients on self-awareness and structural correction.
IN # 620209-12
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700-Hour Professional Massage Therapy Program