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I have been a massage therapist for over twenty-three years. My extensive training in a variety of massage techniques provides my clientele with a custom treatment plan that delivers optimum results.
Massage provides relief to people from all walks of life. Massage is an accepted part of many physical rehabilitation programs and has proven to be beneficial for many acute and chronic conditions such as back pain, arthritis and bursitis. Massage also h...
Hello. Thank you for visiting my site.
I have been a massage therapist for over twenty-three years. My extensive training in a variety of massage techniques provides my clientele with a custom treatment plan that delivers optimum results.
Massage provides relief to people from all walks of life. Massage is an accepted part of many physical rehabilitation programs and has proven to be beneficial for many acute and chronic conditions such as back pain, arthritis and bursitis. Massage also helps relieve the stress and tension of everyday living.
Taking care of yourself is essential to your health. Stress relief alone can improve your vitality and state of mind. You will feel and look better if you take the necessary steps regarding health and nutrition. Massage, bodywork and some somatic therapies could play an important role in your life. Many people with acute and chronic ailments as well as physical and emotional problems find relief and healing with massage.