30 Minutes is not enough time to really focus on a specific area of pain and or tension. 60 Minutes is definitely not long enough for a full body massage. This is why I only offer 45 minutes or 90 minute treatment sessions. After 15+ years of performing massage therapy I have found that 30 minutes if just not sufficient time to both find and effectively treat the area of pain/tension. Likewise, if you are looking for full body relaxation or full body therapy that 60 minutes is not adequate.
30 Minutes is not enough time to really focus on a specific area of pain and or tension. 60 Minutes is definitely not long enough for a full body massage. This is why I only offer 45 minutes or 90 minute treatment sessions. After 15+ years of performing massage therapy I have found that 30 minutes if just not sufficient time to both find and effectively treat the area of pain/tension. Likewise, if you are looking for full body relaxation or full body therapy that 60 minutes is not adequate.
IL # 227.007553
Massage Therapy Certificate