I was drawn to massage due to the amazing way that touch can offer healing. I predominantly work with Swedish techniques, but I do incoorperate a great deal of intuition and experience in each massage that customize each experience for individual clients. I graduated the Louisville School of Massage in 2016 and have continued to grow and expand my experience.
In addition to massage I spend a great deal of time honoring and respecting my body with physical activity and healthy nutrition. I enjo...
I was drawn to massage due to the amazing way that touch can offer healing. I predominantly work with Swedish techniques, but I do incoorperate a great deal of intuition and experience in each massage that customize each experience for individual clients. I graduated the Louisville School of Massage in 2016 and have continued to grow and expand my experience.
In addition to massage I spend a great deal of time honoring and respecting my body with physical activity and healthy nutrition. I enjoy running, CrossFit and Olympic Weight Lifting. Since I am a participant of these activities I have a deep understanding of the way the muscles are affected. This active participation aids me in better serving a client with relief and relaxation of hard worked muscles.
I am also tuned into how a musician's body is put to task during gigs and rehearsals. Its hard work holding an instrument or drumming for an extended period of time. I have worked with musicians to gain a better understanding of their struggles and am proficient in assisting with relief from the taxing activities they suffer from in their art.
If you are experiencing stress please book with me in order to help you relax and help you reach a place where you can experience peace with tranquility.
KY # 174176
Massage Therapist