My training and expertise has taught me important tools to help treat the modern day epidemic - overstimulated nervous systems. In addition to helping clients manage pain, recover from injury, and address structural imbalance, the goal of my work goes far deeper. I help people find inner peace with themselves and in difficult life situations. Clients report experiencing deep reassurance and connection and often describe being in an altered or euphoric state during and after our sessions. I sh...
My training and expertise has taught me important tools to help treat the modern day epidemic - overstimulated nervous systems. In addition to helping clients manage pain, recover from injury, and address structural imbalance, the goal of my work goes far deeper. I help people find inner peace with themselves and in difficult life situations. Clients report experiencing deep reassurance and connection and often describe being in an altered or euphoric state during and after our sessions. I show clients how to look for answers by going inward instead of grasping for things outside of themselves. With yoga, meditation, and bodywork my work has always been formulated to help people experience their energy body with techniques that disengage sympathetic nervous system - fight or flight response. My clients experience the liminal space, the space between asleep and awake. This natural state helps restore nervous system and process through difficult body and soul patterns. I keep returning to the wisdom that we have everything we need inside of us. The journey becomes a quest to unlock the truths already embedded in our cells. I’m a born healer, space holder, and seeker of wisdom.
OR # 23727
# 2013-10