Michelle Johnson is a chiropractor and Feldenkrais practitioner who has an intuitive sense of her patient's condition and how to address it most effectively. She has practiced as a chiropractor, with adjunctive therapies, craniosacral, acupuncture, kinesiology, reflexology and nutritional healing, including functional medicine, spiritual and emotional healing for over 30 years, and has studied meditation and mindfulness, authentic dance expression, integrating with her professional expertise...
Michelle Johnson is a chiropractor and Feldenkrais practitioner who has an intuitive sense of her patient's condition and how to address it most effectively. She has practiced as a chiropractor, with adjunctive therapies, craniosacral, acupuncture, kinesiology, reflexology and nutritional healing, including functional medicine, spiritual and emotional healing for over 30 years, and has studied meditation and mindfulness, authentic dance expression, integrating with her professional expertise, a variety of healing practices from Enneagram, Focusing, Cognitive Therapy, Emotional and Spiritual Listening and Emotional Support.
CO # Chr2627
# 666