After spending 30 years in education, I decided it was time to to follow a dream I have had for many years. I enrolled in Massage School and that was the best decision I have made in years.
I am now happy to say I am practicing my second career and loving every minute. This is not a job to me, this is an adventure. I know I will continue to grow as a therapist and my clients will play a major role in my adventure. I know I will face challenges, but like always I will face the challenges h...
After spending 30 years in education, I decided it was time to to follow a dream I have had for many years. I enrolled in Massage School and that was the best decision I have made in years.
I am now happy to say I am practicing my second career and loving every minute. This is not a job to me, this is an adventure. I know I will continue to grow as a therapist and my clients will play a major role in my adventure. I know I will face challenges, but like always I will face the challenges head on and learn from the results. I hope to educate my clients on how they can help themselves and assist me in their treatment plan. I will care for the whole person, who they are, what they do, and the activities they are involved in that are affecting their condition. I believe massage is a healthy alternative to medicine for those aches and pains and together we will have a healthy, healing adventure.
I also use and promote doTerra Essential Oils as an alternative to medicine and have found these oils can and do help the body heal.
4702 Prescott Ave
Lincoln, NE 68506
NE # 3065
# 7648
Associates Degree in Applied Science in Massage Therapy
I enrolled in the Lower Reset class in April of 2014. I was so energized and excited by this new technique that I didn't want to wait until the instructor returned to Nebraska in October of 2014 to teach the Upper Body Reset class, so I traveled to Chicago in May 2014 to take the Upper Body Reset class. I am currently working toward my Advanced and Master Certification in Neural Reset Therapy.
This is a relaxing massage that uses Essential Oils to promote relaxation and healing for the mind, body and soul. As I have learned about the benefits of Essential Oils, I use them in my practice whenever the situation seems to call for the oils.
4702 Prescott Ave
Lincoln, NE 68506