The Best Time For a Massage is When You Don't Have Time For One

My love of massage comes from years of working in the hospital to thoroughly appreciate the relaxing benefits of massage. All the while understanding the therapeutic affects it can have on the body as well. My original draw to massage therapy was to help people find a moment of peace and calm in their day. But as I've been working, I've come to realize, I am drawn to the clinical side of massage. I enjoy helping those that need to feel better. Hardly any of my clients come to me to rela...

My love of massage comes from years of working in the hospital to thoroughly appreciate the relaxing benefits of massage. All the while understanding the therapeutic affects it can have on the body as well. My original draw to massage therapy was to help people find a moment of peace and calm in their day. But as I've been working, I've come to realize, I am drawn to the clinical side of massage. I enjoy helping those that need to feel better. Hardly any of my clients come to me to relax, they all come to me because they've been in pain. I enjoy helping them to solve the mystery of what's causing that pain.

Book a Bodywork service with me today

Where I Work
Available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Ann Arbor Institute of Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

REVIEWS for my Bodywork services

by Mayur on Feb 10
I am a regular when it comes to getting full body massage since 1992 so I have my share of many different massage therapists. I found Amy while I was on business in Mason from Atlanta. I had issues with my shoulder and left rotatory cup so I asked her to do some light massage and trigger point therapy to relieve some pain and help me stretch the right muscles. I had three 90-minute massages with her since the first chair massage at "Dart" and she does a great job. Amy customizes her work as she feels around the muscles in addition to asking where she needs to focus. She is wonderful and the time/money is well worth it if you love yourselves and enjoy getting massages!

SPECIALTIES: Bodywork and Massage techniques I perform

Bodywork & Massage

  • Mobile Chair Massage
  • Deep Tissue
  • Swedish Massage
  • Chair Massage

Check my availability and schedule appointments for a Bodywork service