Honest and Straight to the point bodywork. I specialize in rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, whiplash, low back pain and much more.
In these sessions I will aggressively go after tight, tender malfunctioning muscles combining precisely directed tension and various fascial release techniques with very specific client movements to help re-educate the tissue and nervous system.
What can you expect to get out of your session(s)
improved body posture - reduce pressure on painful joints - impr...
Honest and Straight to the point bodywork. I specialize in rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, whiplash, low back pain and much more.
In these sessions I will aggressively go after tight, tender malfunctioning muscles combining precisely directed tension and various fascial release techniques with very specific client movements to help re-educate the tissue and nervous system.
What can you expect to get out of your session(s)
improved body posture - reduce pressure on painful joints - improved mobility - reduced pain and discomfort - increased range of motion
Will it hurt ??
The experience certainly doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, though if you are looking to recover quickly, some discomfort might be involved. It will depend on how quickly you want to make the change. If this is the case it may take more sessions to reach the desired out come.
We will also problem solve the cause and come up with as simple ways as possible to help prevent reoccurrence.
Just want to relax ?
I got that too!
Swedish massage strokes mixed with Lomi-lomi, for the ultimate relaxation .