All Massages have medical benefits! It can help boost your immune system and detox your body, increases your metabolism. Our bodies are message boards telling us when something does not feel right. Massage can be a life changer when you are working with a therapist that knows your body's need
All Massages have medical benefits! It can help boost your immune system and detox your body, increases your metabolism. Our bodies are message boards telling us when something does not feel right. Massage can be a life changer when you are working with a therapist that knows your body's need
TX # 103848
TX # 1459109
# 103848
# 0000
Licensed Massage Therapist
Personal Trainer
Have worked with Chiropractors and have experience in Ultrasound therapy, Tens unit, Cupping, Rehab therapy
We assessed client before making a workout plan for client. Finding where they were having issues with their body and provided massages or stretching to enhance their work out regimen..
I have worked at La ,Cantera Resort in San Antonio, Texas. And customer service was a must, team player, Performed Deep Tissue, Pre Natal, Hot Stone, Swedish massages..