My name is Lizzie. I am an empath, medium, and Certified Sound Healer. I am married to the best husband and have 2 freaking amazing kids who have been the absolute greatest support system on my journey! I am PASSIONATE about helping others find clarity in emotionally difficult times and feeling comfortable about who they are at the soul level. :) Being an empath allows me to feel how my clients feel on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. When I provide sound baths and energy cleanses for...
My name is Lizzie. I am an empath, medium, and Certified Sound Healer. I am married to the best husband and have 2 freaking amazing kids who have been the absolute greatest support system on my journey! I am PASSIONATE about helping others find clarity in emotionally difficult times and feeling comfortable about who they are at the soul level. :) Being an empath allows me to feel how my clients feel on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. When I provide sound baths and energy cleanses for my clients, I use my empathy to help determine their needs for that session. I have always had special abilities, however my ability to communicate with those who are no longer with us started to show up later in life. During a medium reading, my purpose is to provide clarity in that particular moment.
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