Take the conventional massage to the next level with professional out-call massage & therapeutic bodywork. Bestow the portability of massage equipment, and have the luxury and value of a massage brought directly to you. The ability to relax and unwind in your own environment allows for a massage session that is comfy and always convenient. Amy Kay Sicinski, LMT provides advanced therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home, office, or event. Services include a variety of massage tech...
Take the conventional massage to the next level with professional out-call massage & therapeutic bodywork. Bestow the portability of massage equipment, and have the luxury and value of a massage brought directly to you. The ability to relax and unwind in your own environment allows for a massage session that is comfy and always convenient. Amy Kay Sicinski, LMT provides advanced therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home, office, or event. Services include a variety of massage techniques that are designed to relieve the pain and stress related to day to day living, while aiding in the rehabilitation of physical injuries.
TX # MT026376
Massage Therapy