My name is Patricia Alonso. I'm a licensed Massage Therapist (MT# 122632), Reiki Master and Certified Yoga Teacher.
Nothing is as rewarding to me as helping people to get back in balance and contribute to enhance their well-being.
If massage hasn’t worked for you before, let me show you how my advanced skills can produce results. I customize each treatment for your specific needs, conditions and preferences. I work with a variety of clients: Men, Women, Elderly and Adolescents; Athletes, Preg...
My name is Patricia Alonso. I'm a licensed Massage Therapist (MT# 122632), Reiki Master and Certified Yoga Teacher.
Nothing is as rewarding to me as helping people to get back in balance and contribute to enhance their well-being.
If massage hasn’t worked for you before, let me show you how my advanced skills can produce results. I customize each treatment for your specific needs, conditions and preferences. I work with a variety of clients: Men, Women, Elderly and Adolescents; Athletes, Pregnant mothers and people with chronic pain. I have had success in treating a variety of conditions including back and neck pain, headaches, shoulder injuries, restrictive scar tissue and repetitive stress injuries.
TX # 122632
# n/a
500hrs Therapeutic Massage
250hrs Advanced Program for Clinical Massage & Bodywork