As a young girl, I loved the responses received from family when I massaged their backs and shoulders. Turns out, I was pretty good at it. As the years passed, I refined my touch and became even better. Obtaining my license gave me very effective techniques and most importantly, the understanding of intention; intentionally touching the body in ways that increase circulation, provide therapeutic properties, and usher in relaxation to the body and the mind. This knowledge has propelled me into...
As a young girl, I loved the responses received from family when I massaged their backs and shoulders. Turns out, I was pretty good at it. As the years passed, I refined my touch and became even better. Obtaining my license gave me very effective techniques and most importantly, the understanding of intention; intentionally touching the body in ways that increase circulation, provide therapeutic properties, and usher in relaxation to the body and the mind. This knowledge has propelled me into greatness, allowing me to lead clients through an extraordinary experience.
FL # 92008
Licensed Massage Therapy
Learned this technique at Florida School of Massage and have been practicing it since graduation in September 2018. I enjoy an opportunity to demonstrate the ability to receive a full body massage in a massage chair.
Learned this modality in it's entirety at the Florida School of Massage. I have practiced it since graduation in September 2018. Received CEUs for a lower back concentration in August 2019.